Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ubuntu: Creating a Global Impact

Ubuntu has a direct connection to the larger Bluffton University community because they are trying to be a model of alternative living on a college campus. By consciously trying to live simply and with a focus on being “green” Ubuntu hopes to inspire both students and faculty alike to evaluate their lifestyles to see where they can make changes.
If others choose to change their lifestyles so that they use less resource and leave less of a carbon footprint, these changes will not just affect their lives and the lives of those in the Bluffton University community but they will have global affect as well. Ultimately by making small consistent changes in their everyday life choices individuals can create a large impact that affects the whole planet.
Some simple lifestyle decisions one can make to live simply is to turn off lights or appliances such as televisions or microwaves when they are not in use. Other options include using cloth napkins and reusable dishes and silverware at when eating; these items can be washed and reused instead of thrown away creating more trash. When going shopping for groceries taking cloth bags can also cut down on paper and plastic bags which many times end up as trash.

Even, in regards to travel and transportation there are simple and green options. For example car pool with friends or family instead of taking separate cars if you are going to the same location. If you aren’t going very far choose to walk instead of drive or ride your bike. If public transportation is an option consider taking a bus or train instead of an individual car.
As you can see there are very simple ways if you choose, to start living simply. By living simply you are making a difference in your own which will also have a positive impact on the planet as a whole.

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